Alicia, Kaitlyn, Megan and I are ready for the tour to begin. Don't we look cute?
Megan gets a closer look at the giant candy canes with Daddy.
The hot candy is stretched on this machine. Its amber color will soon turn to white as the air mixes with it and it cools.
The candy is almost ready to put together to make candy canes.
Here it is all together, twisted and ready to be shaped. Sometimes they don't come out quite right but they're put back into the mix to make more of these delectable treats.
Here they are, perfect and ready to eat! Seeing how candy is made was a lot of fun.
This must be a party pop!!
Well, that ends our tour of Hammond's Candy Factory. If you'd like to learn a little more about it, just click on the center hand below. You're also welcome to follow us to the Children's Museum by clicking on the right hand.
Copyright © 2002 by Jeremy and Sue