To the Mad River Trail
In the White Mountain National Forest
Here's Kaitlyn as we started our hike. She was a terrific scout!
She was also quite the little ham! She loved every minute of it.
She found this perfect little frame put there by Mother Nature, just waiting for us to discover.
Here's the Mad River that ran along the trail that we were following.
Here's Kaitlyn as we climbed...
Here she found a seat of velvety moss where she could take a quick rest.
She takes a closer look at the river here. She loved watching the waterspiders as they seemed to be dancing on the water.
She found her own little tree to sit under along the way too.
And here she is at the end of our hike....the brightest flower of the bunch!
We had a wonderful week of hiking, swimming, shopping, doing puzzles and just plain having fun! I hope you enjoyed coming along on our hike with us!
So long for now. I hope to see you again soon.
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Many thanks to Shawna for the use of this beautiful background set!
My sincere thanks to Heleca for this beautiful award!
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